About WWW

World Wide Web
World Wide Web is also known as Web in a short form.Web is a place where all the data of the websites from around the world is stored.The Web is a system where interlinked hyper text documents contained on the internet.With a browser one can view web pages that may contain text,images,videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them by using Hyperlinks.Using the concepts from earlier hyper text systems,English Engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim Berners Lee along with Belgium computer scientist Robert Cailliu while working in Switzaerland proposed using "Hyper Text to link and access information of various kind as a web of nodes in which a user can browse at will.Finally World Wide Web was released officially in the year 1990.

Every time when a page is created it will be stored in a unique uniform resource location which is attached to its domain name.
for EX : a website owner with domain name abc.com creates a page called apple,then it automatically saved with its own uniform resource location attached to its domain,and the page's address(Uniform Resource Location) would be abc.com/apple/html.
And All the stored data in the web can be viewed by punching in the URL address in the browser.